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zel amd amelia cute anime moments

Thoughts on the J-Novel Translation of King of The City of Ghosts

-Even though Phibrizo is rather cold in the TP version, somehow he is even colder in J-Novel.

-In the J-Novel translation Phibby tells Gaav that even before his soul was bonded to a human that Phibby was more powerful than him. Now, since Phibby is very manipulative and since manipulative people will lie if it serves their purpose, he could by lying or he could be such a narcissist that he believed he was more powerful than Gaav when he wasn't. But this and a few other passages in J-Novel have given me the impression that the 5 retainers don't have equal power.

-It is interesting to me that in terms of physical proximity, Gourry would have grown up closest to Phibby's territory, the Desert of Destruction, yet Gourry doesn't appear to have any knowledge of him.

-Is it me, or is Gourry's fear when Phibrizo starts to target him more evident in the J-Novel version?

-Lina is so heartbroken. It makes me heartbroken.

-Amelia calls Phibby a jerk in the J-Novel version. I love it.

-I guess this is more of a product of so many re-reads than translation differences, but while Lina has a flicker of hope that she can use the Giga Slave to defeat Phibby, she really has to feel that by going back to get Gourry's she's rather likely to die.

-In J-Novel, in the scene where Rashatt attacks Lina, you get more of a sense of her despair at the thought of not being able to even attempt to rescue Gourry if she doesn't defeat him.

-And the scene at the end of the chapter has some significant differences between TP and J-Novel. Given that I really don't see Zel and Amelia as having couple vibes in the novels, this would be a little scene that does imply that there may be something more going on between them. Basically Amelia is giving a justice speech in a crowded space and she is embarrassing both Lina and Zel with her antics. In TP Lina sends Zel a "pretend not to know her glance" and then Zel ignores her to whisper in Amelia's ear and talk sense to her.

In J-Novel, Lina says: "Wow...even Zelgadis has walked away, pretending not to know her."

Lina, not Zel, then talks some sense into her. But the way that it is phrased indicates in J-Novel indicates that Zel may have more patience for her antics than Lina and Gourry do, which says a lot. So, whatever seeds of zelame there are in the novels, I do have to admit that they show more in the J-Novel translations.

-Yeah, the way J-Novel translates the scenes, you get more of a feel for how all three of them (Lina, Zel and Amelia) are scared shitless at the thought of facing Phibrizo. It's definitely the translation.

-Also of note, while reading the scene where Amelia saves the day with Rashatt and noting that in TP Lina is appreciative of Amelia's rescue attempt, it really feels as though the TP translators had Lina being sarcastic and dismissive of Gourry's rescue attempts because he was a man.

-When I read the TP version and Amelia had asked Lina if she was worried about Gourry and Lina replied that she had a feeling he would be okay, I saw it as Lina trusting her intuition. Reading the J-Novel version, somehow, I see it more of Lina's need for pragmatism. Hellmaster needs Lina to be stupid and make mistakes, think with her heart and not with her head. Racing to get to Sairaag as quickly as possible even if she puts herself in risky situations would play into Hellmaster's plan. Lina, who is very pragmatic, knows she needs to get to Sairaag safe if she is going to have a chance of rescuing Gourry. So it feels that to justify safety over swiftness Lina develops a self talk that Gourry will be okay (though I don't think Lina is conscious of this at all).

Let's say, Lina has some super skills combating her own anxieties! And at such a young age. My heart really breaks for her that she has to go through all this.

...But my shipper heart loves it!

# the slayers# slayers translated# slayers translations# slayers novels# king of the city of ghosts# king of the phantom city# j-novel club# tokyopop# lina inverse# gourry gabriev# Gourrina# lina x gourry# zelgadis greywords# amelia wil tesla seyruun# zelame# zelgadis x amelia# hellmaster phibrizzo# gaav

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Cozytober 2020, AmeZel Edition! - Part 4

Long story short: I came across a prompt set for October this year that's very chill and laid back, so I decided to try my hand at it. Each  prompt is for a couple days and you can find it [here].

485 words; takes place some years post-EVOLUTION-R, post-admittance of feelings, post-a lot of things if we're being really honest

Part One - Part Two - Part Three -

Cozytober Days 13-16: bakery; Traveling doesn't often afford one a comfortable bed to wake up to.

Amelia woke to the warm and inviting smells that were permeating the room. The inn they were staying at had a bakery in the back, its entrance on the alley, and her room was directly above the part that housed the ovens. She lazed in bed, hands resting on either side of her head, and enjoyed the moment—there wasn't many like them on the road, especially while on the road when the deep chill of autumn was more a preview of the winter to come.

A soft knock was at the door and Zelgadis came into the room. He walked over to her bedside and sat on the chair next to her bed, keeping his distance just in case there was an accidental intruder.

"We should get going soon," he stated. "I'm here to escort the Seyruun Royal Ambassador to Lyzeille for the Vezendi Accords, remember? Or did you forget…?"

"Just because we're having a nice time on the journey doesn't mean I've forgotten," she said. She reached out towards him and watched him hesitate for a moment, then taking her hand and kissing her knuckles. "My offer still stands—we don't have to show up as princess and bodyguard."

"Your grandfather will somehow be cured of all his ailments in order to murder me."

"You say that with such seriousness," she giggled. He shook his head and sighed.

"Only because it's a better thought than the alternative of your father and uncle combining their resources to have me assassinated; now please hurry up." He stood and leaned over her for a moment, pressing a kiss to her forehead, before turning to leave. "I want to be out of here within an hour."

"Pushy, pushy," she teased. He left, allowing her privacy as she readied herself for the day… not that she wanted any privacy… not when it came to him. She quickly dressed and packed her things, opening the door to her room to find Zelgadis's back facing her—ah, "guarding" her room. A quick pat to his rear and she slipped past him.

"Hey! Don't do that!" he scowled. "I'm just doing my job."

"You don't need to do it that well, Mister Zelgadis," she smirked, taking the lead as they went down the stairs. According to all the other travelers who had stopped at the inn for the night, the two of them were merely a wandering priestess and sorcerer-swordsman, allowing wanderlust to take them wherever their fancy might lead; a decoy was headed to Lyzeille with all their official clothes and everything sans the most sensitive documents. It was still good for them to keep their veneer in public, however, despite how electric their light touches had become in recent months. They sat down at a table, with a waitress placing a small basket of fresh bread on the surface soon as they were settled.

"What'll it be for breakfast?"

# Cozytober# Cozytober2020# Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun# Zelgadis Greywords# AmeZel# Amelia x Zelgadis# The Slayers# The Slayers anime# Slayers anime# fan fiction# yeah it kinda ends but whatever; I fear if I go too much longer I won't get out

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# slayers# lina inverse# slayers anime# gourry gabrieve# gourrina# amelia x zelgadis# lina gourry# zelame# youtube

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EP. #25 Slayers TRY. Ongoing Apocalypse. Yet such endearing moments happen. Lina, The Lina Inverse, asking Gourry if he thinks she can do it (aka Save the World) and Amelia asking Zelgadis to return with her to Seyruun after the battle ends (they don't even know if they'll survive) and all this after Xellos and Filia hear about how meaningless the ancient rivalry of Monsters and Gods is.

# Slayers try# lina x gourry# amelia x zelgadis# Xelfi# overwhelmed# emotional cascade

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zel amd amelia cute anime moments
