Where to Buy Wagyu Beef in Michigan
Some Examples of Wagyu Meat Cuts
Check out these tasty cuts and imagine them on your grill!
Flat Iron Steak
This cut has beautiful marlbling and is one of the grilling favorites.
Tenderloin Steak
The most tender cut of steak with a milder beef flavor.
Sirloin Tip Roast
Great on the smoker or with your favorite Sunday pot roast recipe.
Beef Shank
Flavorful meat for a nice long cook in the crockpot.
Beef From The Land Of Fruit
Orchard Hill started in the early 1900s as a small fruit and dairy farm. Our cows may still taste hints of apple, peach, pear, grape and cherries while grazing the pastures. We pride ourselves in our all-natural and stress-free herd.
Source: https://www.orchardhillwagyu.com/